Weeds Online: How to Identify Indica and Sativa Plant?

Weeds online

For the ones that have recently entered the world of marijuana, decoding the difference between the two can be a bit tricky. You might be able to tell it through the chemical properties. However, identifying it from its physical properties can be a bit tricky. So, the next time you hunt for weeds online, make sure you check out these identification tips to get access to the best strain.

Indica and Sativa: Identifying it the right way!

The first thing you need to mark in a Sativa or an Indica plant is its height. Most of the Sativa strains have the potential to grow as big as 10 feet. On the other hand, Indica strains are rather shorter in height. While the Sativa plant can be characterized by sparse foliage, the Indica plant is characterized by a bushy appearance.

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Sativa Plant: Easy Identification Signs

When looking for Indica or Sativa strains among weed online, Canada, the latter is very popular. Sativa plants tend to originate in places that are closer to the Earth’s equator. They tend to thrive in temperate regions where the climate has long summers and mild winters.

Sativa strains have the potential to reach as high as 10 feet. The foliage is thin-fingered, light-green, and with delicate leaves. Moreover, they also boast a longer flowering period as compared to the Indica strains. This longer flowering period is due to minimal climatic impetus that leads to rapid reproduction and vegetative period of the seeds.

Not just that, Sativa is generally known for its lower yields as compared to its Indica counterparts. However, you need to keep in mind that Sativa strains aren’t ideal for home growers that have restrictive space. All these plants require a balmy temperature with a relatively high level of humidity. They only thrive when the given space is large. So, the next time you opt for hunting weeds online, make sure you choose a strain that fits your needs.

Indica Plant: Easy Identification Signs

The Indica strain is smaller in comparison compared to the Sativa counterparts. They have broad, bushier, and dark-green leaves. However, this strain is rather popular among home growers, given the fact that they bring high yields with a shorter flowering span.

Indica typically matures way faster than the Sativa cultivars when grown under similar climatic conditions. As a result, they produce flowers in a time frame that is less than 8 weeks.

This rapid flowering time frame is actually possible due to its biological need for reproduction and spreading the genes before the harsh winter months arrive. This particular cultivar also packs in a unique smell, given that it has a non-identical terpene profile.

Indica cannabis plants were originally located in dry & cold Asian locations. This resulted in a rather robust & compact physical trait. Plus, its short height makes it perfect for the purpose of indoor cultivation when you opt to buy weed online, Canada.

Cannabis Leaf: Indica vs. Sativa

When it comes to differentiating between the strains, Sativa generally has a light-green coloration with delicate leaves. On the other hand, the cannabis Indica plant packs in broad and dark-green leaves.


Some of the home growers tend to grow marijuana from the feminized seeds that exclusively produce female plants. With this, the growers ensure that no female flower is pollinated by the male ones. This has led to a higher germination rate. These seeds can easily be germinated with the help of paper towels that are dampened using distilled water.

When you shop for weed online, Canada, keep in mind that Indica strains are readily available compared to the Sativa strains.


When the seed starts showing taproots with two or more leaves appearing, it can easily be transplanted. Both Sativa and Indica require special benefits and care from climate control, soil composition, as well as lighting to access a well-developed root system.


When you shop for weed online, Canada, make sure you keep in mind that it’s the vegetative phase that is noted by the stem & leaf growth. The overall time frame for Indica and Sativa plants tends to depend completely on the strain’s exposure to sunlight or any growth light. Mostly, the Indica and Sativa strains move into their vegetative state only after 3 to 6 weeks.


With these pointers in mind, you can easily identify which strain you get access to. When you hunt for weed online, Canada, you will surely be a pro at getting the best choice for your daily needs. The next time you search for weeds online, make sure you opt only for a reliable seller that has carefully segregated these two strains for the buyers. During your shopping spree, you might also come across hybrid strains that pack in the qualities of both Indica and Sativa. You do read the labels before you make your purchase.

Call to Action

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